
Sicamet industry is one of the strongest companies in resistance welding (spot welding) always striving to produce the best product, with stronger materials, better performance and superior quality.

With a know-how of 55 years the professionals from Sicamet work as main provider of replacement parts of machine guns for the biggest cars manufactories: General Motors, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Fiat and also for their supliers like Usiminas, Kanjiko, Thyssenkrupp.

The uses of quality and flexibility make presence in the day by day of Sicamet, making attention the low standart pieces and devices that composes the final product.

The main difference that makes Sicamet be segment leader is the transparency and personalization of customer equipment as presented in its mission:

"Working with excellence in quality, support, security, meeting customer needs with best term. Always with a transparent and personalized treatment, in search of the best solutions."


In the division of Projects and Development
we work hard for each product to be always superior in technical characteristics. This work integrated with our experience, allows us to create products with:

- Robustness in welding.
- Welding guns with less weight.
- Increased versatility.
- Economic alloys.
- Standardization of spare parts, which allows compatibility between new parts and existing.
- Uniformity of design, which facilitates the use of the equipment with a better productivity.


Sicamet maintains a continuous process of development to recycle more materials in order not to impact the nature and always seek new ideas for improvement on the 3rd sector.